“Family planning could bring more benefits to more people at less cost than any other single ‘technology’ now available to the human race.” - UNICEF Executive Director, 1992
Featured articles
The Four Asian Tigers
In the 1960s and 1970s the Four Asian Tigers – South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong – found the path to prosperity and peace: control population...
Read morePope John Paul II
About 40 years ago, I asked a distinguished and knowledgeable mathematician "Who invented the computer?" He looked at me and...
Read moreNSSM 200
NSSM 200 was the definitive interagency study of world population growth and its implications for United States and global security, requested...
Read moreA proven method
In Iran, the fertility rate fell from 5.62 children per woman in 1985-1990 to 1.89 in 2005-2010. This was done by the provision of virtually free family...
Read moreSummary
Family planning is needed if poverty is to be avoided
Family planning is needed if poverty is to be avoided
Family planning is needed if poverty is to be avoided
Population explosion is inviting disaster | July |
Our two new saints | October |
The forgotten population explosion | March |
Yemen’s population | October |
Too PC over population | January |
Population is Middle East time bomb | December |
Population growth | October |
Size matters | July |
The scandal is over | June |
Rapid population growth will undo all the work we’ll have done | June |
Population rise ignored | May |
The drama no Church leader talks about | May |
Population is the threat | January |
The Times – Comment in electronic edition | January |
The Two Billion | November |
National Security Study Memorandum 200 | October |
A proven method | February |
Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II | January |
A startling query | November |
Aid yes, but also limit population | October |
David Attenborough is right to worry about population growth | October |
Malthusianism | August |
An enormous, world changing, demographic drama | June |
Half of Catholics don’t share view | April |
Catholics and fertility rates | March |
1877 | February |
Population growth key to widespread hunger in the world | February |
Andrew Mitchell | October |
Melinda Gates | September |
Catholics and contraception | April |
Why people still go hungry | March |
Political Correctness | March |
Letter published in the Catholic Herald – February | February |
Letter published in the Catholic Herald – January | January |
A Prolonged Tragedy | December |
In the 21st century almost all of us are followers of Thomas Malthus | November |
We will live to see the results of the great population gamble | August |
Ineluctable demographics | August |
Two Letters | July |
Over-optimistic headline: The world won’t be crowded overall | April |
Overseas aid must be linked with family planning provision | March |
Defending Thomas Malthus | February |
Demography and Zambia | December |
Demographics of Poverty | October |
Two Letters | April |
Demography for Catholics | January |
Family planning | September |
World is facing a population crisis | May |
Population: A taboo is broken | April |
The taboo, or semi-taboo, or consensus on discussing population growth | March |
The Leicester Mercury – Africa | August |
The Times – Africa | July |
Population, Poverty and Conflict | January |
The Environment and Population | December |
Kenya – Letter from a demographer | December |
Ignoring one of the great events of history | August |
“Population must be discussed” | April |
Notes to a flurry of letters | March |
Catholic Herald 2 | February |
The Newman | January |
Catholic Herald 1 | January |
Letter to Leicester Mercury | December |
Italy got it right: temporarily | June |
The consensus on population | June |
Pontifical Council for the Family and Demography | April |
A Benedictine Assessment in 1969 | March |
Improving Health in Developing Countries | November |
Letter from a Professor of Demography | October |
Niger: Population and poverty | August |
The Tablet – Population, Poverty and Aid | July |
The Tablet | June |
Population Density, Fertility, Prosperity and Poverty | May |
Population and Land Resources | May |
Causes of poverty in Third World | May |
A taboo subject: The connection between population, poverty and violence | May |
Zambia: Being economical with the actualité | May |
St Theresa’s Mission, Luanshya, Zambia | March |
Bishops’ voting on contraception | March |
Iraq and Population | November |
Population and AIDS – The Non-Statistical Story | November |
Philippines and South Korea | October |
Family Planning and the American Right | October |
Spotlight Letter about WDM Pamplet | August |
The “Unrepayable Debt” of Small Countries | August |
Africa and Middle East – Simplest | August |
Africa and Middle East – Simpler | August |
Africa and Middle East – Simple | August |
Over The Border – Zimbabwe | August |
Livingstone’s Statue | August |
The “International Left” and Zambian Debt | August |
Hilary Benn | July |
Keep it Short | July |
Catholicism and Population | November |
Groups Who Think Population is Important | November |
The Cardinal and the Pope | August |
Peter Hebblethwaite | July |
The Times – Palestine and Population | March |
Famine in the Horn of Africa | March |
Islam on move | February |
AJP Taylor on the Revolutions of 1848 | February |
The Communist Manifesto | February |
1 – 2 – 4 – 8 – 16 – 32 – 64 – | October |
Theologians | September |
Zambian Debt – The Catholic view and the creditors view | August |
Zambian Debt – The Financial Times view | July |
Malawi, Elspeth King and The Times | June |
Botswana – The Economist | May |
Zambia and Malaysia | February |
AIDS Life Expectancy and Nineteenth Century Leicester | November |
Birth Control/Michael Frayn | October |
Trouble in the Middle East | October |
Encyclopedia Britannica – Population | February |
The Catholic Church – The Economist Reviews | February |
Fr Arthur McCormack | October |
BMJ Letter on Debt | September |
Catholic practical help for the extremely poor | September |
Justice and Peace | 1999 |
The dependency culture does more harm than good | 1997 |
Population: at the root of conflict | 1996 |
Catholics and Communism. The 1970s and 1980s. | 1995 |
Marxist theology will not help the poor | 1995 |
Why the Pope is above politics | 1991 |
Slogans that can mislead | 1991 |
Pie in the sky when you die | 1978 |